When a joy ride goes BAD

On Thursday August 10th 2000, at 08:33 hours Tacoma Fire received a report of a car over the cliff at Point Defiance Park.  

dscn0522.jpg (140182 bytes) Engine 16, Truck 3, Medic 1, and the Tacoma Police Department responded.
edge.jpg (85580 bytes) The crews from E16, T3, and Medic 1 made up a rope rescue system,
over.jpg (74151 bytes) And sent a firefighter over the edge to check for victims.
dscn0533.jpg (77064 bytes) The car had gone over the cliff and had landed in some trees about 175 feet from the top edge, which was still about 75 feet above the beach. 
dscn0529.jpg (102916 bytes) It was unknown  how long the car had been over the edge because the fence at the scene had been broken for about a month. 
dscn0535.jpg (124140 bytes) After retrieving the climber from the side of the cliff . . .
prep.jpg (80008 bytes) It was discovered that this was a stolen auto, and there were no victims inside the car or at the bottom of the cliff. 
dscn0540.jpg (63782 bytes) A local towing company was called to the scene,
dscn0539.jpg (71225 bytes) And our climber went back over the cliff to secure the car for recovery.

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