ENGINE 13 - B Shift Lt. Bill Colwell
F/F Harold Kerns
F/F Larry Ellis
F/F Gil Barthe
ADDRESS 3825 N. 25TH


Watch duties will be assigned to one firefighter per shift by the Engine Officer. The person on watch will have their name underlined in red in the log book.

During the day...

Before retiring (2200 hrs) for the evening...


Daily, weekly and monthly duties for all personnel and companies are posted above the watch desk on the main floor.


There is a variety of communication equipment found within Station 13. This redundancy of equipment ensures positive communications between the station and communications(FCC) even in the event of failure of a portion of the system. This equipment includes, portable radios, mobile radios, MDT(Mobile Data Transmitters), telephones, cell phones, Zetron, printers and the house alert system.


Each apparatus has a mobile radio which is positioned by the officer’s seat. Engine 13 has an additional mobile radio on the pump panel for use by the driver during pumping operations.

All personnel are assigned a portable radio for the duration of their shift. At the beginning of each shift, each person is responsible for checking their radio and signing for it on the radio log sheet. This radio is to be on the individual and is to be "on" at all times when they are not in quarters or in the apparatus. F1, F2 and F3 are three primary frequencies used within the department...

F1 Fire 154.130
F2 Medical 154.295
F3 Training 153.770

Other frequencies used allow TFD units to communicate with outside fire and law enforcement agencies on mutual aid calls. A guide to frequencies and radio channels can be found next to the mobile radio inside the cab.


Chief Moore




D/C Steinhoff(Operations)


Fire Marshal


D/C Lewis(Administration) 174 - 178 Mechanics


D/C Johns(Prevention) 161 - 169 Inspectors


South Battalion Chief 155 - 158 Electricians


North Battalion Chief

Radio maintenance and battery conditioning is taken care of by communications.

MDTs allow messages to be passed to and from apparatus via a keyboard and computer screen. They are connected to the terminals in the station at the watch desk. Information regarding calls or other messages can be passed to and from the apparatus by communications and other apparatus.

There are three phones in the station, the red phone, the station phone and the residence phone.

The red phone is a direct line to dispatch. It is for TFD business only. When answering the red phone, answer with the station number and your last name, and be prepared to take down information.

The station house phone is the TFD business line. It is used for calling station to station and for other intra-department business.

The residence phone is for the firefighters personnel calls. Calls should be limited to less than ten minutes and no incoming calls should be later than 2200hrs.

The cell phone on Engine 13 is to be used for TFD business only.

There are two printers located in the station. One is at the apparatus bay watch desk, and the other is on the main floor watch desk. The one in the apparatus bay prints out dispatch information. The one on the main floor prints general messages and information from communication, Battalion Chiefs and the administration.

When FCC wants to alert an apparatus to a call, they press a button on their console. This in turn turns the emergency lights on in the station, opens the pa system and the apparatus alert tone is heard. This coincides with the alert lights flashing on the Zetron. When the acknowledge button is depressed on the Zetron, it closes the pa and resets the alert system.


Door control switches are located on the west interior side of each bay door. When the door closes, it will stay approximately 6" open for five minutes while a fan in the rear of the station runs. An override switch for the fan and doors are located next to the door controls. On the Officer’s side of Engine 13 there is a remote control device for the door.


A button on the west station wall near the apparatus bay watch desk control the traffic signal at the intersection of North 26th & North Proctor. Depressing the button causes the lights at this intersection to all go to red. An audible alarm can also be heard at the intersection. The use of this control is at the discretion of the Engine Company Officer.


The Zetron is used to monitor the status of apparatus assigned to a particular station. It is located above the watch desk in the apparatus bay. Green lights show the status of the apparatus(AIQ, AOR...) and red flashing lights show that the apparatus in being alerted.


Main Electrical North interior wall above work bench
Furnace Oil Shut Off West interior wall of the furnace room in the basement
Diesel Fuel Shut Off South exterior wall, to the east off the T3 bay
Intersection Controls On the interior west wall in the southwest corner of the apparatus bay
Apparatus Door Controls South wall, to the west of each bay door
Housework Duties Posted above the Watch desk on the main floor
Rig Check Sheet On the interior west wall in the southwest corner of the apparatus bay
Eye Wash Station In the slop sink on the interior west wall of the apparatus bay
MSDS & Safety Board On the interior west wall in the southwest corner of the apparatus bay
Bulletins & Special Orders In the Day Room, below the white board by the kitchen
Disaster Kit East wall of the basement
Watch Duties Posted above the Watch Desk on the main floor
Mask/Radio Sign Off Sheets On the interior west wall in the southwest corner of the apparatus bay
Extinguishers Kitchen, dorm, bottom of the stairs, center post north of T3 storage in the apparatus bay, E13 storage closet, center post in basement, and west wall of furnace room
Bio Hazard Container In the hose storage area behind E13 storage area
Exhaust Fan Control Panels Southeast corner of the apparatus bay
Emergency Lighting South wall in dorm, middle of stairs, center of apparatus bay

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