Tacoma Ladder 3

Ladder Company 3 is located at Fire Station 13, North 25th and Proctor in Tacoma.

1911 T3

Historical Pictures!

Here are pictures of Ladder 3 and the station.

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Pictures of the Newest Ladder 3!

In November of 2000 we received a brand new ladder, replacing our 1980 Mac Ariel Platform.

Ellis1.jpg (13895 bytes)

High Angle Rescue

From time to time we need to rescue people who are stuck on a cliff, high bank, or some other hard to reach place, so we practice a lot of different rope rescue methods.

Tacoma Narrows Bridge

Tacoma Narrows Bridge

Because we are called to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to perform rescue work, from auto accidents to attempted suicides, we have spend time getting familiar with the bridge from top to bottom.


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This page was updated on Sunday, June 24, 2012 at 01:03 AM